Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:04 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Jamie Cullum
File Size
63 KB
Af-ter years of ex-pen-sive e-du-ca-tion,
a car full of books and an-ti-ci-pa-tion,
I'm an ex-pert on Shakes-peare 'n' that's a hell of a lot
but the world don't need scho-lars as much as I thought.
May-be I'll go trav'l-ling for a year,
fin-ding my-self or start a ca-reer.
I could work for the poor though I'm hun-gry for fame
we all seem so diff-'rent but we're just the same.
May-be I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat,
aren't things more ea-sy with a tight six pack?
Who knows the ans-wers? Who do you trust?
I can't e-ven se-pa-rate love from lust.
May-be move back home and pay off my loans,
wor-king nine to five ans-wer-ing phones.
Don't make me live for my fri-day nights,
drin-king eight pints and get-ting in fights.
I don't want to get up, just let me lie in,
leave me a-lone, I'm a twen-ty some-thing.
May-be I'll just fall in love that could solve it all,
phi-lo-so-phers say that that's e-nough,
there sure-ly must be more. Oo-oo-oh
Love ain't the ans-wer nor is work,
the truth e-ludes me so much it hurts.
But I'm still ha-ving fun and I guess that's the key,
I'm a twen-ty some-thing and I'll keep be-ing me.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da du da do. Do da, do du da do.
Do da, do du da do.